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James F. Schneider Reference Collection

Description:Speeches and legal reference materials: Liss Memorial Lecture, 4/12/07; Speech - Bicentennial of U.S. District Court; June 1, 1990; Chasanow Investiture Speech, Jan. 29, 2010; University of Baltimore: Orientation Address, 8/23/71, Speech- U of B Law Center, Sept. 29, 1982, Orientation, University of Baltimore School of Law, 8/21/85, Speech - University of Baltimore, Feb. 18, 1987, U. of B. - Honors Day, 4/26/1987, Speech - University of Baltimore, April 19, 1988 and U. of Baltimore Speech, 4/12/07; Wednesday Club: The Wednesday Club, "Thirty Years in the Courts", March 7, 2001; Weinberg and Green: Speech - Weinberg & Green Luncheon, July 22, 1988 and Speech to Summer Associates, Weinberg & Green, July 7, 1989; Wranglers: Speech - The Wranglers, Thursday, November 17, 1988, Wranglers - October 17, 1986 and Lady Loverly's Chattel - Wranglers, 10/16/08; Speeches - JFS; To Be Published; Friday Club; Address at the Presentation to Melvin Sykes of the MSBA Senior Lawyer of the Year Award for 2008; Thieblot, Robert J. Memorial Bar Library, Thursday, May 14, 2009; Leon, Eddie - Photographs [including] "And Justice for All"; Architecture and Buildings; Architecture & Buildings; Anthenaeum; American Negro Soldier Monument; Pennsylvania Station; Publications: Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development. Baltimore City's Redevelopment Program (Charles Center, The Inner Harbor and Metro Center), Charles Center - Inner Harbor Management Incorporated, August, 1974 and Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development. Prospectus Inner Harbor West Development Area 5a, Charles Center - Inner Harbor Management, Inc., July 1974; Edwards, Eliezer. Words, Facts, and Phrases: a Dictionary of Curious, Quaint, & Out-of-the-Way Matters. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1881; Brune, William H. Index to the Ordinances and Resolutions of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, 1797-1906. Baltimore, 1907; Greenleaf, LL.D., Simon. A Treatise on the Law of Evidence. Volume I. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1863; Brantly, W. T. Digest of the Maryland Reports, Supplement II. Vol. 89 Md., to Vol. 105 Md., Inclusive. Baltimore: Nunn and Company, 1909; Ordinances and Resolutions of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore: Passed at the Annual Session, 1918-1919. Baltimore: King Bros. (City Printers), 1919.
Location (Shelf):BC/32/20/001/S10
MSA Citation:BMS48-1

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