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Street Improvement Records
Street Books

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Studies and papers on opening and condemning streets in Baltimore.

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DescriptionMSA Citation
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 8-10, 41-45, 52, 55, 58-63, 78, 123-125BRG58-9-1
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 16-40, 46-51, 54, 64, 72-77BRG58-9-2
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 126, 129-131BRG58-9-3
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 82-87, 91-102, 105-108, 120-122, 132-150BRG58-9-4
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 115-119, 127-128, 187-193, 197, 628-631, 637-640, 648-649BRG58-9-5
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 184-186, 188-189, 212, 214, 226-228, 234-242, 244-246, 255, 259-263, 278-280, 283-285, 311-325, 329, 371-374, 431, 436-437, 590-598, 601, 606-617, 624-627, 650-660, 777-785BRG58-9-6
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 246-250, 600-605, 618-623BRG58-9-7
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 1-7, 11-15, 55-57, 65-70, 79-81, 88-90, 103-104, 109-113, 181-183, 148BRG58-9-8
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books, 151, 153-158, 162-163, 166-168, 171-180, 221-224, 251-254, 256-258, 264-268, 271-273, 302-305, 310, 396-397, 402-404, 413-416, 420, 463-465, 525-540BRG58-9-9
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books, 401-406-410BRG58-9-10
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books, 286-300, 357, 400, 458, 667-668, 676-685, 700-719, 772-776BRG58-9-11
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books, 205-210, 217-218, 225, 301, 306-309, 375-379, 405, 411-412, 521-524, 549-570BRG58-9-12
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books, 471, 475-478, 669-675, 693-699, 721-745, 758-760, 771BRG58-9-13
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 152, 159, 165, 169-170, 211-212, 215-216, 220, 281-282, 326-328, 331-343, 346-356, 358-360, 380-395, 438-439, 441, 445-457, 459-461, 510-511, 571-587, 686-692BRG58-9-14
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 160-161, 198, 202-204, 269-270, 274-277, 344-345, 466-470, 472-474, 501-509, 512-520, 541-548, 661-666BRG58-9-15
 DetailsBureau of Assessments, Opening Streets and Condeming Streets Books 164, 361-370, 417-419, 421-430, 432-433, 479-500, 746-750, 753-757, 761-770BRG58-9-16
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